Snot boogie

Sometimes you get lucky and you’re in it from the start. Sometimes you get lucky and you bail at the right time, and sometimes you completely miss the boat. The clip above is from the Wire and would fall in that latter category. Though I could say I had a valid excuse in that I didnt have internet(hi speed) or HBO, but I did have the complete set sitting on my shelf for two years before watching it, so no excuse for me.

I could point out that I watched Breaking Bad from the start, but I wont, cause that wouldnt be professional.

What To Watch 

  •  This new fall season hasnt exactly been great, only one Network show has stayed in my rotation, in Back In The Gamebut James Caan and Maggie Lawson havent impressed enough for my liking.
  • The Michael J. Fox Show had promise, but the Parkinson’s was hard to deal with.(The endless jokes and the effects on Fox).
  • Masters of Sex has Lizzy Caplan which is why I watched, and it’s solid, but not enough to warrant adding it to my cable bill.

What to Stop Watching

  • This pains me to say this, but How I Met Your Mother has one foot out the door. Not sure who is having a worst couple of months, the final Season of Dexter or the Final Season of HIMYM. Brutal all around, especially when compared to that other show that ended recently(Breaking Bad)

What to Binge on

  • A show you might have missed(which I did) and available on some sort of the streaming services, is Better off Ted.  There’s only 26 episodes,so  there’s only 13 hours of laughter.
  • Now this is Awkward to mention, but there’s a show on MTV that has grabbed my attention. A rare non-reality show, MTV has a traditional scripted TV with all it’s episodes on it’s website. Sex and comedy are a great one-two punch for Awkward and you should watch, or not.

If I go back and try to proofread/edit this, then this gif would best characterize this entry. No boobs, no sports and no real point. Probably wont even tweet this. I’m just gonna go back to playing video games